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QuWave Defender - Protection for Targeted Individuals from Psychotronic and Psychic Attacks
The Scalar Wave Field generated by the Defender has a special frequency tuned to protect your body & brain from ?Psychotronic Attacks? and Electronic Harassment from ELF, HAARP, Microwave, Implant Activation, and Psychic Attacks.
The QuWave Defender™
If you answered yes to any of the above, then you might be a Targeted Individual, and you might need the QuWave Defender. It can improve your life and make daily living bearable.
Using Scalar Waves and Solfeggio Energies to protect Targeted Individuals from Electronic Harassment & Psychotronic Attacks
Watch this video interview, where Dr. Henning Witte finds QuWave Defender is First Device that Helps TI's.
(Dr Witte works with Targeted Individuals and is an expert in the field of Electronic Harassment.)
"Since more than 60 years TI's (targeted individuals) have tried to escape the Mind Control torture. Now TI's have tested the Defender from the American company QuWave with positive results. The Defender works with scalar waves. That is crucial evidence that the Mind Control torturers are also working with scalar waves. Officially scalar waves are denied by ignorant physicists but in secret they are used, for example in the HAARP facility." - by Dr. Henning Witte during a TV interview.
Targeted Individual (TI) = a person being harassed (often Electronically)
Psychotronic Weapons = Brain Manipulation From a Distance
These weapons interact with the nervous system of the target effecting the target's conscious and subconscious mind resulting in suffering.
The QuWave Defender can help manage all of your symptoms.
There are a variety of means that are used remotely to harm and control the targeted individuals. Some of these techniques are: Microwave, Ultrasonic, Laser, and Acoustic weapons such as Voice to Skull (v2k, v-2-k), which are used remotely to cause a variety of effects on Targeted Individuals. Many victims find themselves implanted with microchips which have become too small for the human eye to see.
The Defender has helped many targeted individuals cope with their harassment to be able to live a happier life. However, please note that this is not some magic "OFF" switch that will completely eliminate all suffering for everyone. The vast majority of customers tell us that the product eliminates much of their suffering most of the time and they are able to enjoy a more normal life.
Some people might be impatient and expect instant miracle results. It does not work like that. You will need to use the Defender for some time before you will feel its beneficial effects. Some people feel the positive effects within an hour, while with others it takes a couple weeks. It takes some time for the product to fully assimilate with your body energy field and for you to really feel the positive results. You can compare this to an antibiotic prescribed by your doctor, you need to take the pills for 10 days to be effective, you do not just take one and expect miracle results. The same is true for the Defender (and other Scalar Technology products).
Personal Defender Photos
The Personal Defender is designed to be carried on you or near you all the time. When you receive the unit, all you have to do is charge it and turn it on. It should be left ON all the time to be effective (even when charging). The blinking green light shows that the unit is operating properly. Once a week it will need to be charged, and charging takes about 1-2 hours. The unit generates a protective field which is about 8ft in diameter, but, the closer you are to the unit, the stronger the scalar waves will be, and thus will offer more protection.
Personal Defender Specifications:
Scalar Wave: The Defender uses a High Frequency Scalar Wave which is modulated with two low frequency Activation Frequencies. The Scalar Wave protects and generates a shield to make it difficult for the Harassment Controlling Signals to get thru to the individual. While the two low frequencies provide soothing to the body and brain cells and enable healing.
Use: For desired results, you need to be within the field of the unit. Carry it in your pocket, purse, briefcase, wear it as a pendant, or place it near you when you work/sleep/relax. It might even help if you hold the unit close to the area mostly effected by your particular Harassment. Unit comes with a neck-strap lanyard so you can wear it as a pendant, and a protective carrying pouch to protect it when you carry it in a pocket or purse.
Field Strength: Produces a powerful 8-10ft diameter spherical field around the unit.
Size & Weight: About the size of a small cell phone. Size 3.1”x2.25”x0.85", weight 2.7 oz.
Colors: Available in Black and White Colors.
Power: Internal Rechargeable Li Battery. Battery charge lasts over a week. Recharges from International AC Charger, Car Cigarette Plug, or Computer USB cable (all included). International orders include an AC plug adapter for the designated country and a 120V/240V Charger.
Warranty: 1 year parts and labor warranty on entire unit.
Service: After Warranty Battery Replacement $39. After Warranty Service $49. (Plus Shipping.)
Satisfaction Guarantee: 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Try it Risk-Free for 30 days. No-hassle returns with 30 days full money back for any reason. (Shipping costs are not refundable.)
The Tabletop Defender is our newest flagship product to help targeted individuals. This uses the same identical principle as the Personal Defender, except that it is much more powerful. It generates a field which is about 100 times stronger then the personal unit. This is possible because we were able to make the unit larger and because we are not limited by having to operate it from a small battery, and instead use an AC adapter to provide the power. We also used gold-plated conductors for greater efficiency to make more powerful antennas. This model is not portable, and needs to be plugged in all the time to operate.
This model is designed to be placed on a table, desk or a night-table. It can also be placed flat for applications like under your bed for nighttime use.
The device not only helps TI's with harassment, but is also for general use in locations where high EMF fields are a problem.
Tabletop Defender Specifications:
Use: For desired results, you need to be within the field of the unit. The Tabletop Defender generates a field in all directions with a diameter of about 100 feet. But, the closer you are to the unit, the more you will be within it's protective field. The unit can be used in a free-standing position and be placed on a desk, table, or a night table. The feet can be removed and the unit can be used in a flat position and for example be placed under a bed, sofa or chair.
Scalar Wave: Just like the Personal model, this Defender uses a High Frequency Scalar Wave which is modulated with two low frequency Activation Frequencies. The Scalar Wave protects and generates a shield to make it difficult for the Harassment Controlling Signals to get thru to the individual. While the two low frequencies provide soothing to the body and brain cells and enable healing.
Power: Powered from AC Adapter which plugs into a wall outlet. Needs to be plugged-in continuously. International orders include an AC plug adapter and a 120V/240V Power Adapter.
Size: 11.5" x 9.5" with supports so it stands-up like a picture frame. The feet can be removed and the unit can be placed in a flat position. It will operate in any orientation and generates a field of 360 degrees.
Indicators: Has three status LEDs to show that the three frequencies are being generated (yellow, blue, green). (The lights can be covered-up with tape if the light is too distracting for the nighttime.)
Antenna: This unit has four unique Mobius-style antennas to generate the Scalar Waves. Each antenna measures 4.25" x 3.5". The antennas use gold-plated conductors for maximum efficiency since gold is the best electrical conductor. The antenna radiates waves in all directions in 360 degrees, so the unit can be placed in any orientation. However, the closer you are to the front of the unit the more effective it will be.
Signal Strength: The Tabletop Defender is about 100 times as powerful as the Personal Defender.
Warranty: 1 year parts and labor warranty on entire unit.
Service: After Warranty Service $49. (Plus Shipping.)
Satisfaction Guarantee: 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Try it Risk-Free for 30 days. No-hassle returns with 30 days full money back for any reason. (Shipping costs are not refundable.)
Defender now available with Tamper-Evident Security Seal
(on request only) |
Bundled Personal and Tabletop Models. Get maximum protection in your home and anywhere. | Ultimate Defender Package |
QWXPak1 $659(no other discounts allowed)
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